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User manual

Welcome to the User Manual of Raccoon for Friendica! This guide contains an explanation of the most important features of the app and intends to be an near-exhaustive guide to all what you can (and can’t) do from the app.

Table of contents


Friendica is social platform and it has all the features you would expect from a piece of software of this category, you can:

On top of that, Friendica has a series of interesting features which make it stand out among other similar federated platforms:

All these features can be accessed using the official web application, but a lot of them are also open to third-party apps using their public APIs.

Raccoon intends to do just that: use the APIs to create a client specifically designed for mobile devices. Since it uses (mostly) the Mastodon-like APIs exposed by the backend, the app is also compatible with Mastodon instances (Friendica-specific features like the calendar or direct messages will not be displayed).

Disclaimer: unimplemented features

The following features are either not implemented or partially implemented due to some lack of support for third-party clients:

If you want to access those features you will have to use the web interface, except for polls which are not yet supported (it is a well known issue).

This disclaimer does not mean at all these features will never be supported. For example, in the beginning the app could not support embedded images withing post bodies, but the backend devs made a great job and changed the API response in order to make it possible to any app (not just Raccoon!) to display them properly.

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Application UI general structure

The application UI is divided into three parts:

The totality of the components used come from the Material 3 design system.

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The timeline section contains a series of posts that belong to either a default feed or a custom feed.

There are three default feed types:

Custom feeds, on the other hand, can be:

Every item in the timeline has the following structure:

If the content of a post contains a hashtag you will be able to open the corresponding screen and if it contains a mention you will be able to open the corresponding profile.

Using the footer buttons, you will be able to perform the following post interactions:

and see the number of replies, re-shares favorites and whether it is in your bookmarks or not.

Moreover, from each single post it is possible to:

timeline screen timeline with mute user dialog

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Post detail

In this screen you will be able to see it in its context (with ancestors until the root post and all descendants).

Moreover you can the list of users who re-shared it or added it to their favorites.

Apart from that, this screen is very similar to a regular timeline, and allows to perform the same actions and open user profiles or other post details.

If you open a post detail from a timeline-like screen (Home, Explore, Search, Favorites, Bookmarks, list content, hashtag timeline, user detail) you will be able to navigate to the previous or next post in the sequence with horizontal swipe gestures.

post detail screen

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Image detail

From a video or image attachment, you can open the full-screen image viewer. For images, use double tap to enter the pinch-to-zoom mode.

From the top bar action menu, you can download the attachment to your device, share it as a file or as a URL and, for images, adjust the aspect ratio in case if were not displaying correctly.

zoomable image detail screen

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User profile

The purpose of the user profile is to display information about a specific user and access the set of contents they have created. There are two flavours of this screen: classic mode (for regular users) and forum mode (for group accounts).

Classic mode

The screen is made up by two parts:

Each item of these lists allows you to access its post detail.

If you are logged, the headers shows the relationship your user has with this user:

If you follow the user, you will also see the notification status (enabled or disabled).

From the top app bar action menu, you can also:

user detail (classic mode) screen

Forum mode

In forum mode, you will be presented with all the top-level posts that have been re-shared by the group, i.e. the list of topics of this forum. This is a special kind of timeline, by tapping on each item you will enter the thread detail.

From the top app bar action menu, you can also switch to classic mode.

user detail (forum mode) screen

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Thread detail

This screen is similar to a post detail but comments are displayed in a Lemmy-like layout, i.e. indented according to their nesting level and with a coloured bar which makes it easier to distinguish parent-child relationship between replies.

thread detail screen

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Hashtag feed

The hashtag feed is a special kind of timeline featuring all the posts containing a given hashtag and it follows the same structure.

From the top app bar, you will be able to follow or unfollow the hashtag.

hashtag feed screen

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Favorites & bookmarks

Favorites and bookmarks are special kinds of timelines and they follow the same structure.

The only difference is that if you un-favorite or un-bookmark a post it will immediately disappear from the feed.

favorites screen bookmarks screen

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Followed hashtags

This screen contains the list of all hashtags you are following in alphabetical order, and you can unfollow each one of them.

Each item of this list allows to open the corresponding feed.

followed hashtags screen

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This section allows you to see the most trending content in the instance you are connected to. The screen is divided into the following sections:

Opening a hashtag will lead you to the dedicated feed, opening a post to its detail and opening a user to the corresponding profile. Opening a link will either open the external browser or custom tabs depending on the “URL opening mode” option selected in the app settings.

* note that on different backends the number or days may vary from 1 to 7 days depending on the server

explore screen (hashtags section) explore screen (links section)

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This screen makes it possible to search in the Fediverse: it contains a search field to enter the query string and a tab selector to choose the desired result type (either Posts, Users or Hashtags).

Be careful: it is not possible to search unless a non-empty query has been inserted.

Opening a hashtag will lead you to the dedicated feed, opening a post to its detail and opening a user to the corresponding profile.

search screen (posts section with 'raccoon' keyword)

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This screen contains the list of notifications for the events you have subscribed to, so it is only available for logged users.

The main content presents the list of notifications, which can be of the following types:

From the top bar menu it is possible to select/unselect specific categories of notifications to filter the results displayed in the list.

Moreover, it is possible to:

Be careful: after being dismissed notifications are cleared from the server and you will not be able to browse the list any more!

Tapping on each item of the list, it is possible to open the user profile or post detail.

inbox screen

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If you are running the app in anonymous mode, the Profile screen contains the Login button to start the authentication flow. If, on the other hand, you are already logged in, it looks similar to a regular user profile but has some additional actions specific for your user.

If you have multiple accounts, in the top app bar you will find a “Manage account” button to switch between one another with a bottom sheet.


The most common way to log-in to federated platforms like Friendica or Mastodon is OAuth2, i.e. a web-based flow thanks to which the app is granted a token to perform a set of specific operations on behalf of the user (e.g. creating posts, follow a user, get the subscription timeline).

This method is recommended because:

Friendica back-ends, in turn, allow users to authenticate calls using the Basic HTTP standard, which requires users credentials (username and password) to be known to the third-party app using it.

The login flow involves two of these steps:

If you do not have an account, you will have to first create one from the instance website, then log in from the mobile app.

login intro screen select instance screen select instance screen

One’s own user detail

As previously stated, this screen looks very similar to a regular user profile. In the header, instead of the relationship/notification buttons you will find an “Edit profile” button to open your profile preferences.

profile screen

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User list

This screen contains a generic list of users; it can be opened either from the post detail (to see who added a post to favorites or re-shared it) or from the user profile (to see who is following or followed by a given user). It displays the avatar, display name and username of users plus the corresponding relationship status.

You can use the follow/send request/mutuals button to modify your relationship with the given account.

user list screen (profile following)

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Follow requests

If in your profile settings you have enabled manual approval for follow requests, this screen contains the list of pending follow request you have received.

For each one of the items you can either accept or reject the request, as well as open the corresponding user profile.

follow request screen

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Node info

This screen contains some information about the current instance you are connected to:

node info screen

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App information

This dialog contains more information about the app:

Moreover, this dialog is the entry point for two informative screens:

app information dialog licenses screen

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Profile settings

This screen allows you to edit your profile data and configure (to some extent) the discoverability and visibility of your profile.

The profile data which can be edited are:

* depending on the back-end type these fields may not work, e.g. there are some known compatibility issues on some versions of Friendica

edit profile screen

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Application settings

This screen allows to customize the application appearance and behaviour, it has the following sections:

* please choose wisely: Markdown is supported only by some versions of Mastodon (e.g. glitch-soc), if you do not know what you are doing stick to HTML or plain text, otherwise your posts may not be formatted correctly!

** in order for UnifiedPush to work, a distributor must be installed on your device, e.g. NextPush and configured with the corresponding server-side NextPush app where you have, in turn, registered and paired the remote account you are currently using on your instance

*** in order for this to work, the application must not have any restriction for background activity, so please make sure the battery saving restrictions for Raccoon in your system settigs

settings screen, part 1 settings screen, part 2

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Filter management

This screen allows to revoke current restrictions on other accounts. It is divided into the following sections:

manage bans screen

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Post composer

This screen allows to create new posts or replies. The action menu in the top app bar contains the following items:

Below the top bar there is a header containing:

Below the header you can find the main text field for the post body. In the bottom part of the screen, only if “Markup for compositing” option in Settings is not plain text, you will find a formatting toolbar with the following buttons:

composer screen

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Create report

This screen allows to create a report for either a user or a specific post.

It contains a selector to choose the kind of violation among:

Below you can write the report body in a text field and, finally, the “Forward report” switch allows you to select whether this report should only be delivered to your instance admins or, if you are reporting a content coming from a federated instance, it should be handled by the admins of the source instance too.**

* on Friendica rule violation are not supported yet and if they are submitted they get rejected by the server (with a 422 - Unprocessable entity), so this option has been hidden

** on Friendica this switch is supported (does not cause a 422 error) but it does not seem to have any effect

create report screen

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User feedback

This form allows you to submit your feedback to the developers (e.g. to report a bug or suggest some improvements).

Apart from writing your comment, you can optionally specify an email address (e.g. if you wish to be contacted for clarifications).

This is just a utility screen for those who prefer not to use the issue tracker on GitHub (e.g. because they do not have an account).

Warning: this only works if you have activated the “Enable anonymous crash reports” option in the settings screen.

submit user feedback screen

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This screens contains all the custom feeds that can be used in the timeline, which comprise:

The reason why all these heterogeneous elements are in the same list is because they are all returned by the same API for compatibility with Mastodon clients.

To make it easier to browse and understand this list, Raccoon divides the list in sections, each with its header specifying the type of the following items.

Among these three categories, the only one which allow to be modified is the first one, for which you can use the “⋮” button to:

Please remember that in Friendica by default all non-group contacts are added to the “Friends” circle and all group contacts are added to “Group”. Albeit being created by the system, “Friends” and “Groups” are regulars circles that can be changed or deleted.

By tapping on each item in the circle list, you will open the corresponding post list, i.e.:

circle list screen circle detail screen

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Direct messages (Friendica-only)

This section contains the list of private conversations with your contacts. For each item in the list, you can see:

Tapping on each item you can open the conversation detail, in the form of a traditional chat with message bubbles and a text field in the bottom part of the screen to send new ones.

Messages are being downloaded as long as they arrive while you are in this screen, otherwise you have to manually refresh the conversation list.

conversation list screen conversation  detail screen

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This screen contains the list of albums in your multimedia gallery. For each album you can either edit its name, delete it or, tapping on the list item, access the pictures contained in it.

For each picture in an album, you will have the possibility to:

gallery list screen gallery  detail screen

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Unpublished items

This screen contains all the items awaiting publication and it is divided into two sections:

each item can be deleted or, by tapping on it, opened in edit mode.

Beware that on most instances scheduled posts can not be modified except for their schedule date, so the preferred way to save a post and edit for later is:

unpublished items screen

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Calendar (Friendica-only)

This screen shows the event calendar, i.e. the list of events shared with you divided by month with, for each item:

For each event, you can export it to your device calendar and, by tapping on each list item, access a detail screen where more details (like a more extended description) are displayed.

calendar event list screen event detail screen

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Announcements (Mastodon-only)

This screen contains the list of announcements published by instance admins.

For each item in the list you can see:

Every time you refresh this list, all unread items are marked as read.

You can tap on an existing reaction to increment the counter by 1 or you can use the “+” button to insert a new reaction. If you tap again on your reaction, you are going to removed it and the counter will therefore be decremented by 1.

calendar event list screen

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This screen contains a list of the shortcuts to foreign instance you added from the post drop-down menu. By using the “⋮” button, each item can be removed from the list.

If you tap on an item, the corresponding local timeline will be displayed. This screen looks very similar to a regular timeline but, whenever you perform an interaction (e.g. like or add to bookmarks) the post is “translated” to a reference on your current instance and the action takes effect on that (this is why operations may take longer).

calendar event list screen event detail screen

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